Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Play and Childrens development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Play and Childrens development - Research Paper Example Why play is reducing among children Parents are thought to contribute to the reduction in play among children. It is evident that some parents tend to force the children to concentrate much on the books without giving them time to play. Their intentions for doing this are normally to ensure the child performs well in schools. Research also suggests that increased exposure of children to the television also makes them lack enough time to play. The enhancement of technology has also affect child play. This is because with the introduction of computer games most children have preferred to play such games, instead of engaging in physical play that can be beneficial to their health ((Berne, 49). Play has normally proved to have some benefits towards the development of a child. One of the importance of play in child development is that play normally allows children to use their creativity. Creativity is normally in born, and in doing this, children are normally in a position to develop their dexterity, their imaginations, and their cognitive, emotional and physical strength. Research suggests that play is of immense importance for the development of the brain in kids. This is because when children are given an opportunity to play, they are normally in a position to interact with the world around them. To ensure the effective development of a child through play, it is essential that play among children becomes undirected. This is because it is through this that the children normally learn the importance of group work, and sharing. Play also enables children to learn how to negotiate with each other when faced with

Monday, October 28, 2019

Daily Checklist Safety Essay Example for Free

Daily Checklist Safety Essay When planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services, there are certain factors which need to be considered for example, the setting needs to take into account the risks and hazards around the setting inside and outside -outside, to ensure there are no poisonous plants, berries and sharp objects and inside that all the doors and gates are locked. Risk assess the setting for broken toys, the floor needs to be clean and clear, plugs are covered and fire exit doors are clear. The layout should have space between each activity and display. Health and Safety is monitored and maintained in the setting by (is there a checklist for example where you have a list of daily/hourly checks to do on the premises to ensure you are maintaining a healthy and safe setting?) following a Health and Safety Checklist provided to us by our manager which includes tasks such as check the doors are locked, that there is a safety gate to the kitchen area, practise fire drills and ensuring hazardous substances are locked away in cupboards. By following these checklists we are also made aware of the risks and hazards not following the checklist can cause and this encourages us to work safely. Current guidance for planning healthy and safety environments and services can be sourced from the Playgroup Manager, Slough Sure Start ,Ofsted, The Dept of Education, Health protection agency and the EYFS. Following the current guidance in the health and safety at work act 1974, gives the responsibility for health and safety to the employer and employees. The premises must be well maintain and safe, accidents and indents form must be fill in when any accident occurs. Health and safety at work regulations 1999, childcare act 2006, and the 2008 act that covers the early years and legislation on safeguarding. The EYFS 2008 ensures that there is an adult/child ratio in place, a first aid qualified person in the setting at all times and all staff have a qualification of about level 2. The setting follow the policies and the guideline of the EYFS. We risk assess when taking the children off the setting premises by filling in a trip planner with the name of the child and the contact number of the child parent with they permission form. Name of all the staff that are going on the trip. (This is an example, you need to explain more about how staff are made aware of the risks and hazards in the setting and encouraged to work safely, give examples like, posters, staff meetings. How does Sharon monitor you guys on HS or how does she give HS information to you).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

1) What is Six Sigma (6S) ? 1.1 The concept The sigma’s concept comes from the Greek letter ‘ÏÆ'’ which the statisticians use to describe the â€Å"the standard deviation of a population†. So, Sigma represents the variability within a population. A high quality level of Sigma demonstrates the possibility of defective products. The higher the Sigma’s level, the lower the rate of the defective. Hence, the use of Six Sigma helps to reduce the variation, achieving small standard deviations and improving the product’s quality.(Pande et al 2002, Breyfogle 1999, Breyfogle et al 2001, Oakland 1999) 1.2 The background Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the late 1980s with a view to improving the quality (Bhote 2002). In 1990s, General Electric and Allied Signal implied Six Sigma successfully. After that, more and more organisations firstly in United States and after worldwide developed 6S and it won the attention of the business world. The strategy of Six Sigma includes the use of statistical tools within a structured methodology for obtaining of knowledge needed to achieve faster, better and cheaper products and services from the competitors. The disciplined and the repeated implementation of the main strategy are the key of the 6S. (Breyfogle 1999, Urdhwareshe 2000) 1.3 Definition of Six Sigma Six sigma has many definitions depending on the authors, it can be defined as a strategy, an operational initiative, a statistic method, a tool for measurement, a target, a comparative performance’s measure, a vision, a philosophy and other. Breyfogle (1999) supports that Six Sigma is considered an operational strategy that uses a well-structured continuous improvement methodology. The aim is to reduce the variability of processes and the c... ...Six Sigma is not a technique or a method, according to the definition of Mario Perez-Wilson (1999), the 6S targets an optimized performance level with almost zero defects in a process that produces products, services or transactions. It indicates an achievement and maintenance of a world-class performance. Six Sigma is the result, not the journey. Accordingly, Perez-Wilson does not consider the Six Sigma as a methodology, but as a target. Consequently, according Knowles (2011), as output of the different views, Six Sigma has three aspects and it is: 1) A measure: How far is the organisation from the target and the perfect quality ? 2) A target: 3.4 defects per one million opportunities. 3) A philosophy: It focuses on sustainability and on a long term strategy which targets on the reduction of expenses, decreasing the variability in the process and the products.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Importance of Symbolism in Timothy Findley’s “War”.

Young people often do not know what to expect of the future. They do not know how to act when something unexpected comes along, and their actions are based on what they do know; usually limited, biased information. This idea is central to the short story, ? War,? by Timothy Findley. The young boy, Neil Cable, narrates the day he found out his father had joined the army. He speaks of his actions, feelings, and confusion surrounding that day. At first glance, his actions are all too often misinterpreted as violence and hatred, but after careful consideration, one can see that they are merely his way of dealing with the troubling news.He has not experienced enough in his lifetime to have a true understanding of war, and acts upon what he does know. In the short story, ? War? , by Timothy Findley, the young boy’s image of war and actions throughout are explained through the use of symbolism. Many symbols in the story give the reader an idea of the war that Neil pictures in his min d. He sees the war to be incredibly violent, and full of blood and anger. This image is shown through the mention of trenches. The word is used repeatedly in the story, suggesting that Neil is very much aware of what happens at war.When Neil is hiding from his father, he builds a trench out of hay in the barn, suggesting that subconsciously, he is trying to prepare his father for what is to come. He thinks that if he can show his father what it is like to be in the army, maybe he will back out. As a young boy, he knows only what he has seen or heard about, which focuses on the violence and danger of going to war. This idea sparks fear within Neil, resulting in anger and rebellion. Another important symbol that shows Neil’s image of war is the stones that he finds at Arthur Robinson’s summer cottage.They are red stones, and he later uses them to throw at his father, trying to keep him away. The stones may symbolize bullets, making the confrontation between Neil and his father in the barn much more important. He throws them at his father, not necessarily trying to do harm, but trying to scare him so maybe he will change his mind about going to war. The colour of the stones is also significant; they are red, a colour which is known to symbolize anger, hurt, and passion.These are all emotions that Neil knows will run through his father while he is away at war. Interestingly, they are also the feelings that rage inside of Neil while he creates a plan of attack against his father. The stones, along with Neil’s actions with them, suggest that Neil is trying to prepare his father for the extreme violence that lies ahead of him. When hiding away in the barn, Neil continuously acts like his father will while he is gone; ? I was just trying to figure out how I could get him before he saw me-and that was all? (Dawe 133).Neil does not realize the meaning of his actions, but as a reader one can see that something deep down inside of him is trying to cre ate a scene of the war; this is his way of demonstrating his feelings and disapproval of his father going to war. Uncle Frank and the birch bark box show that all Neil knows about war is that people come back hurt. He does not want to accept the fact that his father has joined the army, because in his mind it means that he will never see his father again. The only story that Neil knows about being in the army is about his Uncle Frank, who did years after coming home due to war injuries.Neil knows that his uncle never got his life back after getting hurt, and thinks that everyone who joins the war ends up the same way. After finding out his father has joined the army, and recalling the memory of his Uncle Frank, Neil states: ? †¦in the army you always went in a trench and got hurt or killed? (Dawe 124). Neil has never heard an uplifting story about war, so in his mind anyone who joins the army is giving up their life. This idea is confirmed by the birch bark box that Neil gives to both his parents.This box could symbolize a coffin, showing that Neil truly is afraid of losing his father. He wants to make sure that he gets the box before leaving for the army, so that he has it with him when he dies. The box is mentioned at the end of the story, when Neil says that the family picture taken before his father left still remins in the box, suggesting that Neil’s fears become a reality. These two symbols show Neil’s lack of knowledge about war, and explain why he acts the way he does; he thinks that his father signing up for the army means that he will never see him again.Neil’s fear of ducks and the dark suggest that he is afraid of the future; he knows that anything could happen once his father leaves for war. His fear of the future is the reason he runs away and hides in the barn. He thinks that if he can keep things the way they are that the future would remain the way he imagined it would be. Neil says multiple times in the story that he is afraid of ducks. Ducks are migratory birds; they are constantly leaving and returning. Although they travel in bunches, it is common for not all of the ducks to return every year. This pattern is very much like the army.They come and go, some staying for longer periods of time, and some never returning at all. Neil is afraid of this uncertainty with his father; he does not want to live in fear f his father never returning home, or of never knowing what will happen next. Neil also states that he is very much afraid of the dark. He does not like not knowing what it in front of him, and wants to always be able to see what is coming. This is very important when analysing Neil’s fears. The reader knows that he does not adjust well to change, and is very uncomfortable when dealing with the unknown.He says: ? At least, if you sit still you know where you are- but if you move around, then you don’t know where you are? (Dawe 12). This statement tells the reader that Neil is also worried about the change in his life. If things do not change, then he knows what is going to happen, but as soon as thigns are different, life becomes a guessing game. these fears are the reason that Neil acts the way he does; he does not know how to deal with the uncertainty of the future and thus portrays a very angry, confused young boy.When Neil Cable receives the news that his father has joined the army, he lashes out at him and seems to be a very troubles young boy. After examining the story, one can see that this behaviour is the result of being young, naive, and unaware of the world around him. His knowledge about war is limited, and causes him to react with violence and aggression, but the reader soon realizes that this is the only way he knows how to deal with his fear. By interpreting the many symbols in the short story, ?War? , one can see that Neil Cable’s image of war consists of violence, possible death, and an unknown future. The story is based upon the idea that young people are not experienced enough to deal with difficult situations; simply because they have not lived long enough. They pften react in very unexpected and sometimes troublesome ways. In order to understand their actions, one needs to see things from a child’s perspective: innocent, naive, and in the process of learning about the world around them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Human Nature in Shakespear’s Plays Essay

Topic- in Shakespeare’s plays how is his unusual detailed knowledge of nature as well as of human beings shown? Shakespeare was a man who deeply loved nature and the beauty of it. He was not just an author who experienced and enjoyed nature but also as someone who studied, understood and knew nature intimately. In this essay there will be discussions about how Shakespeare would often use examples from nature to describe the nature of human beings in his plays and how did he show a deep understanding and knowledge of human nature which he would put that deep knowledge in his plays and poems. Shakespeare’s greatest influences were the works of other great writers as well as from variety of books, and plays which he used as subject materials for his own plays. He got most of his ideas from existing written literature. All of his plays were based on British history, adjusted to suit the occasion. He also drew ideas from many things that he grew up with, like his love for nature gave him several ideas how to write some of his plays and poetry. Besides this, he got many ideas from his childhood as his father is known to have often told him ‘bedtime stories’. Shakespeare may have got inspirations from nature and some ideas of characterizations from real life experiences but his plots where never made from events that happened in his life. Two of his favorite writers were Geoffery Chaucer (1340- 1400) and Plutarch (46-120). Chaucer, who was the first poet ever to be buried at the â€Å"poet’s corner† in Westminster Abby was from a wealthy family where his father was as a deputy to King Edward the third’s butler. Chaucer’s poetry was in Middle English and he was known to be one of the finest poets in England. Shakespeare admired him and many of the sources of his plays came from Chaucer’s poems. Plutarch studied philosophy and he taught it as a teacher in Rome where he earned the admiration of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. Plutarch’s work was translated by Sir Thomas North which had become very popular in Renaissance England. His translations were then used by Shakespeare himself as sources for many of his plays like Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, etc. The way Shakespeare examined and admired nature was quite different from regular viewers. His way of seeing nature was deep and he would use it in many other forms as well. He would usually find ideas for his poems by what he saw and nature was the biggest part that inspired him how to write his poems and plays. For example in one of his plays named King Lear, the concept of nature is considered to be the groundwork of the whole play. From Kingship through to personal human relations, to the views of the empire, from the representation of human nature to the animal imagery, there was nature filling every line of King Lear. Nature is a socially constructed concept which is made in order to legitimize the existing social order. By drawing a brief sketch of the political and social beliefs of the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages, it will be at the same time outlining the arguments for believing that nature truly is the socially constructed concept. The Elizabethan and Jacobean age was a time of change and disorder. They were not known for their unity. Elizabeth had her subjects worry about who would succeed her as she was not married, therefore there was no heir to carry on with the throne. ‘Kings are justly called Gods for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power on the earth. ’ This quote was taken from the speech of James I where he describes the divine rights of Kings. James I had succeeded Elizabeth I to be the first Stuart King. Although he had the Kingship, he still was not able to overcome the political and financial problems of the state. In order for the continuation of his reign, the unity and harmony of the state and nature was of great importance. He legitimized his power by naturalization. Therefore by ‘nature’ everyone has its place, and knows the duties and obligations to that place, and those who have power cannot be questioned which are the divine rights of Kings. The belief in the social order restricting from the natural order is an important concept to hold when probing the idea of nature being utilized to maintain the status quo. The interdependence of man and nature as a theme is explored in King Lear. Men are always represented in the relation to the divine hierarchy which is the physical world and the world of animals but they are never represented in isolation. It becomes easier to understand the actions of Lear with the almost constant references to nature, once the concept of correspondence between man’s nature and the natural world is understood in terms of legitimizing the social order. In King Lear, the tragedy shown in the play is when Lear tries attempting to overthrow the ‘natural’ social order by handing over his crown to his daughters. Once disorder is initiated by Lear’s revocation of his powers and rights as King, disaster in corresponding hierarchies follow. Lear’s abandonment of his power is in direct opposition to the concept of the Divine Right of Kings. According to the laws of nature, it was impossible for Lear to stop being a king, because that was his rightful position by divine ordination and in fact throughout the play he is still referred to as the King, even though he has divided his crown. Also Lear is unable to stop seeing himself as the King, which can be seen from his banishment of Kent, soon after he has relinquished his powers: Hear me, recreant, on thine allegiance, hear me: That thou hast sought to make us break our vows, Which we durst never yet, and with strained pride To come betwixt our sentence and our power, Which nor our nature, nor our place can bear, Our potency made good take thy reward. King Lear (1. 1. 169-173) In this speech Lear not only uses the power of the King which he no longer holds to banish Kent, but he also, unknown to himself, explains why he cannot or should not divide his kingdom, for it goes against both his ‘nature’ and his ‘place’ to divide his ‘power’ from his ‘sentence,’ which is exactly what he does, thereby attempting to deny his nature and position. Aside from the natural position of Kings the natural social order can also be seen in terms of power relations between characters: King over subjects, fathers over daughters, husbands over wives. This naturalization can be seen as being represented by the character of Lear. He possesses his daughters, because he controls over them, therefore it is only ‘natural’ that they should proclaim their love for him. Cordelia’s refuses this which is therefore shocking to Lear and he calls her ‘a wretch whom nature is ashamed’. (1. 1. 213-214) The animal imagery that is shown in King Lear indicates the unnaturalness of a character‘s behavior in comparison to how they should behave if they observed the natural social order. This contradiction again underlines the distinction between nature and the ‘natural social order’. Shakespeare was good in phycology and describing the human character. He did not state many new ideas of human nature in his place as much as he did on the personalities and behaviors that all human beings have. There still are experts that claim that Shakespeare was the ‘inventor of human nature. However, these were Shakespearean experts and not the experts in psychology or human personality. It was not that Shakespeare new more things around him than other people but it was how he saw and examined things and people around him. In many of his plays and poems he showed deep knowledge of human nature. The way in which we experience fear, love, hatred, jealousy, despair, or anything else one can name. The way he wrote it and staged it would leave many artists in the dust and that the meaning of his work would stay with readers and viewers while everything around them changed. Shakespeare managed to grasp what it took to shape the essence of human nature in many of its aspects and drop it into text and drama in a way that would draw our ears, our eyes and our hearts. Unlike psychology, Shakespeare tries attempting to understand why people do what they do. He simply outshone most others, in many times and many places, at drawing portraits of the mystery of human behavior. Shakespeare used to combine nature and human nature together in many of his plays and poems. He used to describe human behavior by relating them with nature. In one of his plays known as Troilus and Cressida, he quotes the following: Let not virtue seek Remuneration for the thing it was; For beauty, wit, High birth, vigor of bone, desert in service, Love, friendship, charity are subjects all To envious and calumniating time One touch of nature makes the whole world kin, That all with one consent praise new-born gawds, Though they are made and moulded of things past, And give to dust that is a little gilt More laud than gilt o’erdusted. (3. 3. 169–179) This quote was spoken by the character known as Ulysses where he says this to the great Greek warrior Achilles who did not participate in the Trojan War because he contained a broken pride and was in love with a Trojan. He did not understand why he was not liked by the other Greeks and Ulysses tried to get Achilles mind back into action by giving him an uncomplimentary lecture on human nature. In the seventh line of Ulysses’ quote, he speaks about the ‘touch of nature’ which means ‘natural traits’. These are vital characteristics that make us all in this world kin. The phrases nowadays used for our ‘touch of nature’ as warmth or generosity or any other romantic ideal is different from how Ulysses describes it. He sees unanimity in our gaudy originalities as our ‘touch of nature’ is a short memory. The past deeds of Achilles, like beauty, wit, love, and so on, are subject to the ravages of time. In other words, it is our nature to forget these types of faded glories because they do not seem important anymore as there are bigger things that should be remembered instead of wasting it on these small glories that will be slowly forgotten in the future. Shakespeare’s unusual yet deep ways of describing human nature through his characters in his plays were unique. From the way he wrote his plays and poems, it would almost feel like to the reader and viewer that he lived in another type of world and that he saw everything around him very differently from normal people. He was very good in describing what he felt through what he saw as well. In one of his well-known plays called Hamlet, one of Hamlet’s quotes he says as following: What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me— nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so. (2. 2. 303–312). This passage exemplifies how Hamlet says that man is like an angel or god in apprehension. The ‘quintessence of dust’ states that from all God’s work, Man is one of the noblest. Despite all this nobility, Hamlet is not delighted by all this grace or beauty of man. This is one of the moments where his sincerity is genuinely in question as he explains this to two of the king’s followers or ‘parasites’ as he seems them as, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. He feels like there is nothing in Denmark for him and that it feels like a prison to him where he is stuck in following his uncle’s orders and wished that there was another choice for him to follow instead. Even though Man is described as the beauty of God’s works, from what he sees man as in his life gives him another image of human nature.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chello essays

Chello essays In the ancient world, violence was part of everyday life in ways we do not experience today. Some societies, such as the Greeks and India constructed cultural ideas and institutions to deal with violence. While some accepted it in and made it part of their cultural ideals, others tried to contain it and control it. Both the Greeks and Indian civilizations had there own ways to deal with the topic; violence. While one saw violence as a part of life if it was in your caste, your destiny (India), the other saw it as a form of greatness (Greece). To the Greeks violence is a way to help others. In the Indian Civilization from what we can see, whats written in the Bhagavad Gita, violence is seen as a way of life. Violence is not for everyone, but only for the warrior caste. And if you were in the warrior caste violence was your life, your job, which you had to do with out any regrets. As said in the intro to the Bhagavad Gita, While recognizing the ultimate goal of human life to be escape from endless rebirth through the achievements of Nirvana, it nevertheless maintains that one should participate actively in the affairs of this world, fulfilling the duties of ones station in life............. Without yearning for the results to which such actions will lead. Meaning you have a job in life and thats to reach freedom and escape from endless rebirth and the only way to do that is to complete your duties and that all depend on what caste your in. If you happen to be in the warrior caste you job/duty is to kill and it doesnt matter if you win or loose its the thought tha! t you went out doing your job in life that will help you reach and escape route to endless rebirth. In the Bhagavad Gita, one of the main characters of the tale is Prince Arjuna, who is in the warrior caste. The tale begins as Arjuna goes out and surveys the scene of a war hes supposed to be ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Secret Nazi Words and Codes

Secret Nazi Words and Codes Nazi-Problem? Does the world have a new Nazi problem? Well, it surely seems that way. This article will introduce you to their scrambled ways of communication worldwide so that you can recognize them when you come across them e.g. on social media channels.    The aftermath of the NSU-Scandal (National Socialist Underground) is slowly fading from the medias memory. The idea of an organized underground network of Neo-Nazis once more has become something politicians and police officials can dismiss as unrealistic. The recent surge of attacks on refugee camps, and in places like Charlottesville, Virginia speak a very different language.  Experts think that if not part of a larger scheme, at least the right-wing groups and individuals are in close communication via social networks and other methods. The NSU-investigations have once again shown, that there is a large Neo-Nazi-force – one that is rooted deeper in society than our leaders would like to admit. Maybe even than we would like to admit.  Just as with other fringe groups, many Nazis have developed specific code words and numbers to symbolize right-wing terminology and signs – Terminology and Symbols that are otherwise prohibited in Germany. We will see that these secr et words and codes of Nazi-speech are not only circulating in Germany.   Ã‚   Numeric Combinations There are many numeric combinations that operate as metaphors for Nazi-terms. You often find them as emblems on clothing or in online communication. The following list will give you an idea of some of the codes in Germany and abroad.    In a lot of examples, the chosen numbers represent letters of the alphabet. They are an abbreviation of words associated with the Third Reich or other names, dates or events from Nazi mythology. In these cases, the rule is mostly 1 A and 2 B, etc. Here are some of the best known Nazi codes: 88 – represents HH, meaning â€Å"Heil Hitler.† The 88 is one of the most used codes in Nazi-speech.  18 – stands for AH, you guessed right, its an abbreviation of Adolf Hitler.198 – a combination of 19 and 8 or S and H, meaning Sieg Heil.1919 – represents SS, short for â€Å"Schutzstaffel†, probably the most infamous paramilitary organization in the Third Reich. It was responsible for some of the most heinous crimes against humanity in World War II.  74 – GD or â€Å"Großdeutschland/ Großdeutsches Reich† refers to the 19th-century idea of a German state that includes Austria, also an unofficial term for Germany after the annex of Austria in 1938. Großdeutsches Reich was the official state designation of the Third Reich in the last two years of the war.28 – BH is an abridgement for Blood Honor, a German Neo-Nazi network that nowadays is prohibited.  444 – yet another representation of letters, DDD s tands for Deutschland den Deutschen (Germany for the Germans). Other theories point out that it also might refer to the Four-Column-Concept of the far-right party NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany). This concept is the NPD’s strategy for winning over political power in Germany.     14 or 14 words – is a numeric combination used by Nazis all over the world, but especially in the USA and by some German groups. The exact 14 words of this code are: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. A statement coined by deceased American white supremacist David Eden Lane. â€Å"Our people,† of course excludes everyone who is not deemed â€Å"white.†    Nazi-Speech The German Nazi-scenes have proven to be very creative when it comes to inventing phrases or terms for communicating within their ranks. That goes from harmless sounding self-designations, over re-labelling left-wing slogans to diverse phrases and synonyms. In general, Nazi-Speech is highly politicized language that is designed to achieve very specific goals, such as shaping public discussions of certain issues and agitate a concrete group or demographic.    Particularly political parties and organizations that operate on a public level are sticking to an up-front harmless language that makes it difficult to distinguish it from e.g. official municipal language. Often, Nazis refrain from using obvious go-to-terms, such as the N-word, - which in German means Nazi -   that would make it easy to identify their cause.Some groups or parties call themselves Nationaldemokraten (National Democrats), Freiheitliche (Liberals or Libertarians) or Nonkonforme Patrioten (Nonconformist Patriots). Nonconformist or politically incorrect are frequently used labels in right-wing speech. Regarding World War II, far-right statements often aim at trivializing the Holocaust and at shifting blame towards the Allied Forces. NPD-politicians regularly criticize that Germans indulge in a so-called Schuldkult (Cult of Guilt) or a Holocaust-Religion. They also often claim that their opponents use the Faschismus-Keule (Fascism-Club) against them. They mean that Right -Wing arguments cannot be equated with fascist positions. But this specific critique is mostly beside the point and plays down the Holocaust  by calling numerous allied military operations as Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen (Allied War-Crimes) and Bomben-Holocausts (Bomb-Holocausts). Some right-wing groups even go as far as labelling the BRD a â€Å"Besatzerregime (Occupied Regime)†, basically calling it an illegitimate successor to the Third Reich, unlawfully installed by the Allied Forces.    This short glance at the secret words and codes of Nazi-Speech is just the tip of the iceberg. When delving deeper into the German language, especially on the internet, it might be wise to keep your eyes open for some of these numeric combinations and the above-mentioned signs. By using seemingly random numbers or harmless phrases Nazis and right-wing people often do communicate far less hidden than one would think.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Reasons Why Some Dont Get into Graduate School

Reasons Why Some Don't Get into Graduate School Youve spent years preparing to apply to graduate school: taking the right courses, studying for good grades, and seeking appropriate experiences. Youve taken the time to prepare a solid application: GRE scores, admissions essays, recommendation letters, and transcripts. Yet sometimes it doesnt work out. You dont get in. The most qualified of students can do everything right and still sometimes not get admitted to graduate school. Unfortunately, the quality of your graduate school application isnt the only thing that determines whether you get into graduate school. There are other factors that have nothing to do with you that influence your acceptance. Just as in dating, sometimes Its not you, its me. Really. Sometimes a rejection letter is more about the graduate programs capacity and needs than about the quality of your application. Funding A loss of funding at the institutional, school, or department level can reduce the number of applicants they can support and accept.Fewer funds for Teaching and research assistantships can mean accepting fewer studentsMany students are admitted to work with particular faculty and are supported by faculty members grants. A change in grant funding means that some qualified students will not be admitted.You dont have control over any of these factors, but the availability of funding has a huge impact on the likelihood that you will be admitted to a graduate program. Faculty Availability Whether faculty are available and able to take on students influences the number of students who are accepted in any given year.Faculty are sometimes away on sabbaticals or leaves. Any students who would be accepted to work with them are often out of luck.Sometimes faculty are overloaded and do not have space in their lab for another student. Good applicants are turned away. Space and Resources Some graduate programs require that students have access to laboratory space and specialized equipment. These resources can accommodate only so many students.Other programs include internships and other applied experiences. If there are not enough slots, then well-prepared students do not get admitted to the graduate program. If you are rejected from your preferred graduate program, recognize that the reasons may not lie with you. Often there are factors are beyond your control that influence whether you are accepted to graduate school. That said, keep in mind that rejection is often due to applicant error or, more commonly, the poor fit between the applicants stated interests and the program. Pay attention to your admissions essay to ensure that your interests fit those of the faculty and program.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Effective risk management in software development project using Dissertation

Effective risk management in software development project using different methodologies - Dissertation Example It was believed that this approach will help to elucidate some of the main practices of risk assessment within the software would industry in the United Kingdom The specific objectives of this research were as follows: 1. To determine what approaches to risk management were most common among respondents 2. To identify differences or similarities between the perspectives of participants and those in the literature 3. To examine how effective risk mitigation was for participants The mixed methods approach involved the use of one quantitative and one qualitative technique. The qualitative technique that was determined was an open-ended, one-on-one interview which was carried out with participants from a range of different software companies. In addition to the qualitative component of this study a small, quantitative questionnaire was also developed and distributed to people within the organisations of the qualitative participants. This questionnaire contained shorter versions of some o f the questions covered in the qualitative interview. The purpose of this was to access a wider pool of participants than would be possible for the qualitative interview. ... Additionally, if probability sampling methods are used, the outcomes from a quantitative study can often be extended to a large population, while a qualitative study does not have the same level of applicability. Thus, a quantitative study might be able to determine that group A was statistically more likely to use the waterfall risk management approach, while a qualitative approach would be able to provide an indication about what people thought about risk management approaches, and why a particular one was preferable. 3.1.1 Qualitative Interviews Qualitative research is a form of research that considers the perspectives and opinions of participants, often through approaches such as interviews or focus groups. A substantial amount of information can be gathered through qualitative research, however, it also tends to be more time consuming. Because of this, qualitative approaches are often used for studies where the opinions of participants is of particular importance, or the area of the study is small (Leedy and Ormrod, 2004). It makes use of non-probability methods of sampling, which means that it is difficult to extrapolate the results of a study to a wider population (Sarantakos, 2005). Interviews are an approach to qualitative research that allows for a lot of information to be gathered from participants (Trochim and Donnelly, 2007) . Interviews frequently make use of a mixture of questions that are closed and open-ended (Gillham, 2005). This approach is effective, because it allows the interviewer to guide the progress of the interview, and ensure that the desired questions are answered, while at the same time

Friday, October 18, 2019

Amy Chua's thesis concerning ethnic conflict and free markets Essay

Amy Chua's thesis concerning ethnic conflict and free markets - Essay Example Her hypothesis argues that a state turns into a hyperpower (a state of influence even higher than a superpower) only after it encompasses all ethnic and religious elements under an umbrella where all may co-exist in their own form without any pressure to conform. This, in her view, is the kind of democracy which would pave way for a journey inclined towards turning the state into a hyperpower. Similarly, once this diversity in terms of ethnicity or religion turns into conflict for existence and influence, the state is bound to lose its power and collapse. In order to critically analyze the hypothesis, the socio-economic scenario of the present day China would be taken as a case study and an insight into the ethnic and religious conflicts would be taken to see the deterrence behind China achieving its status of hyperpower. Prior to applying Chua`s hypothesis on present day China, the current power struggle dynamics in China need to be analyzed. Though apparently China is rising exponentially as one of the global economic powers of the world, it is also an undeniable fact the internal dynamics in China pose a threat to the long term development goal of the state, and owing to these internal dynamics, various negative indicators emerge which lead China towards a saturation point. These very internal dynamics deter China from reaching its true potential, despite diplomatic excellence and economic dominance in the world, its position isn`t as close to being a hyper-power as it should be. Since the past 30 years or so, China has been aiming to improve its internal development indicators and its progress in terms of dealing with its domestic issues (Hao & Cho 11). Yet, it`s a given fact that even today China faces many problems at home which include poverty, class gap, inequality, corruption, social reforms , demographic challenges, ageing population and environmental

Inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Inflation - Essay Example It’s a change expressed in percentage and compared over a time period. Economists have defined inflation as the sustained general increase in the price of goods and services1. When the prices goes up more money can only pay for fewer goods and services and the currency is said to have lost its purchasing power as the medium of exchange as well as the unit of account in an economy. When the prices goes up the situation is said to be price inflation while the money is in large supply the situation is referred to as monetary inflation2. Several other concepts are related to inflation such as deflation which refers to a fall in the price levels generally while disinflation refers to a rate decrease in inflation while hyperinflation is when the price increase is beyond control3. A general belief among economist is that inflation is caused by excess money supply in the economy which pushes demand for both goods and services. The measure of inflation is done through rating the increase in prices over a specified period of time. Inflation rate is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by working out the change in the price index and more so the consumer price index4. The price index on itself cannot give the rate of inflation but it becomes useful when calculating the inflation rate. This rate is the percentage change rate of price index over a period of time. To calculate the inflation rate the formula below is used The widely used examples of indices to calculated inflation include consumer price index (CPI) which measures change in prices of goods and services (in a fixed basket) purchased by a consumer5. This fixed basket has goods and services put together and are representative of the economy. The producer price index measures price change on average as received by domestic producers. It measures the price paid by producers. It differs from the CPIs in that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Resources in Healthcare - Discussion for online class Essay

Human Resources in Healthcare - Discussion for online class - Essay Example Along with this, organizations should attempt to make appointments by promoting current competent employees, so that they can save the cost of hiring and training new employees. As a second option, request the existing employees to refer the individuals with relevant skills and experience. In this way, organizations can economically select appropriate talent without bearing the cost of advertising a job (Siddique, 2004). As a last resort, organizations nowadays go through the conventional method of hiring. Integration of HR with the strategic management of the organization is a prerequisite of the business success because, it is the human factor which will utilize the infrastructure of the company to transform the intended organizational goals and objectives into a reality. Therefore, it is a must for the organization to develop the objectives in accordance with the current and developable competencies of its employees. (Marler, 2009) Strategic integration of human resource management requires a firm to recruit and select those employees with strategically aligned skill set, so that they can help the organization in attaining the goals set by the top management (Siddique, 2004). At the same time, human resource managers should performed job need analysis, to develop a list for the jobs that required to be filled. No, strategic management is not an HR function. But it is the collection of various functions, because the fundamental purpose of strategic management is to determine the long term goals of an organization (Marler, 2009), then divide them into number of short term ones. At last top management integrates all the departmental effort in order to achieve a common goals set during the first

Admission Essay for Pharmacy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Admission for Pharmacy - Essay Example As a child I was always open to lending a helping hand to whoever needed it. I made sure that I gave my best to society even as a child.As I grew up I realized that helping people and contributing to the society is not only one of my principles but also one of my passions. In this direction I developed an interest in the field of pharmacy. Healthcare as a profession in general and pharmacy in particular is a service oriented profession which attracted me towards this service sector.My parents have always taught me to be kind, generous, and obliging to other people. In today's world where the primary goal of almost every individual's life is to make money by hook or by crook, I think these values are very important to keep. At the same time it is also very difficult to abide by these values in the fast moving environment we live in. Yet, I have always worked hard towards sticking to my goals and my ideologies.As a person I am very hard working and dedicated to whatever I do. I always strive to give any job or assignment given to me my best shot. I have the dedication that makes me want to work hard and make sure I meet the requirements of a particular task and give bring out the best possible results. I am very open minded and enthusiastic to take on challenges and new opportunities. I always aim at achieving the best; with my diligent nature I can assure that I will be able to contribute a tremendous amount to the field of pharmacy.... I have always been positive towards my studies and made sure that I deliver best results. I also pay a lot of attention to the kind of courses I select, so that I can give my complete attention and dedication in achieving the highest level of success in that particular field. As I believe that it is important to do what you like and what you are interested in as it will help you put in your maximum effort. I have a strong academic background and I have studied and gained the knowledge and expertise required to enter and study pharmacy. I have successfully scored and Grade Point Average or GPA of 3.6 to get an admission for this course. In addition to this, my academic background and the grades I have secured in my education so far are very strong and hence make me a best fit for this course. As far as education is concerned I believe that I can get the best results in a pharmacy course as it is a subject that has interested me from my childhood. This growing interest in the subject has led me to opt for this course, where I believe I can give my best. Along with my skills and interests, my eagerness to study pharmacy led me to working in the ULCA medical center in Harbor. I am a certified pharmacy technician here, and have been in this role for the past 1 year. My experiences and understanding of the subject further motivated me to take on this subject as my field of study. The time I spent in the medical center played an important part in persuading me and doubling my enthusiasm to opt for this field of study, though I was always interested in the subject. The scope of pharmacy in various perspectives highly interests me. I have always been interested in being socially active in the world and helping people

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Resources in Healthcare - Discussion for online class Essay

Human Resources in Healthcare - Discussion for online class - Essay Example Along with this, organizations should attempt to make appointments by promoting current competent employees, so that they can save the cost of hiring and training new employees. As a second option, request the existing employees to refer the individuals with relevant skills and experience. In this way, organizations can economically select appropriate talent without bearing the cost of advertising a job (Siddique, 2004). As a last resort, organizations nowadays go through the conventional method of hiring. Integration of HR with the strategic management of the organization is a prerequisite of the business success because, it is the human factor which will utilize the infrastructure of the company to transform the intended organizational goals and objectives into a reality. Therefore, it is a must for the organization to develop the objectives in accordance with the current and developable competencies of its employees. (Marler, 2009) Strategic integration of human resource management requires a firm to recruit and select those employees with strategically aligned skill set, so that they can help the organization in attaining the goals set by the top management (Siddique, 2004). At the same time, human resource managers should performed job need analysis, to develop a list for the jobs that required to be filled. No, strategic management is not an HR function. But it is the collection of various functions, because the fundamental purpose of strategic management is to determine the long term goals of an organization (Marler, 2009), then divide them into number of short term ones. At last top management integrates all the departmental effort in order to achieve a common goals set during the first

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My topic about overweight and obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My topic about overweight and obesity - Essay Example As compared to 1980s, the rate of obesity has doubled in Australia and now Australians are equal to Americans in the case of overweight and obesity. Long time television watching is said to be the major cause of the increased obesity rate in Australia. Many researchers describe obesity as an epidemic in Australia. According to an Amen Clinic research report â€Å"as one’s weight goes up the function of one’s prefrontal goes down† (GATS Program, 2011). In 2007, WHO surveys on overweight and obesity have found that Australia possesses 21st rank in the world. Indigenous populations are the most affected groups by obesity in Australia. It is alarming that obesity rates among Australian children have rapidly risen during the last two decades. Medical science has proved that obesity and related health features may lead to ranges of severe diseases. Therefore, as Gard (2011, p. 64) opines, this uncontrollable increase of obese persons in Australian badly affects Austral ian healthcare as well as the entire economy. Statistics It is necessary to analyse the both Australian and international statistical data regarding obesity so as to explore the level of difference and thereby potential reasons. Australian as well as international obesity statistics are described below. Australian statistics This diagram indicates the prevalence of overweight in Anglosphere and is based on the data published by World Health Organization in 2007. From the graph, it is obvious that overweight prevalence of Australia ranks 3rd in Anglosphere. We know that United Kingdom is approximately three times bigger than Australia; however, the overweight rate of UK is 63.8% whereas it is 67.4% in the case of Australia. The obesity rate of Australia is much more than that of international obesity rate and this condition reflects the dreadfulness of overweight and obesity in Australia. A study conducted by Janus, Laatikainen, Dunbar, Kilkkinen, Bunker, Philpot, Tideman, Trimacco, and Heistaro (2007) reflects that â€Å"the overall prevalence of overweight and obesity combined was 74.1% in men and 64.1% in women† (Janus et al, 2007,p. 147). Although, obesity is comparatively less prevalent in Australian young women, it is observed that they show a rapid rise in their body mass index. At the same time, According to Gard (2011, p. 64), a higher rate of obesity is observed among women of 35 -44 age group; and Australia spends an average of $13 billion per year in order to tackle the severe issues of obesity and related diseases. WHO also adds that nearly a million Australian people now have type 2 diabetes and a major portion of which can be surely attributed to the aftereffects of obesity. International statistics According to world health organization, ‘there are more than 1 billion overweight adults’ globally including 300 million obese (WHO). Since this disorder is not caused by a specific reason, it is very difficult to control this dise ase by medical treatment. Jones’ (n.d) report on obesity reflects that 1.5 billion adults under the ages 20 and above were overweight in 2008; among these certified overweight figures, 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. This international statistical data indicate that women are the most affected group of obesity while the Australian obesity statistics

Monday, October 14, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Teenage Pregnancy Essay In years past teen pregnancy created problems in several countries. However in the United States among teenagers, teen pregnancy rose, but there was no help from programs like the National Geographic’s channel, and Teen Mom that aired on MTV. Individuals saw a version of what might have been with cameras rolling, however if the cameras are not rolling then life takes on a different meaning. When someone is not paying for your chance at fame out in the world and your problems are exposed on television all you would have to turn to are yourself and your newborn baby. Anonymous. Issues in science and Technology, Jan 1, 2005, Vol .21, No 3 (Spring 2005), P 65-70 Retrieved April 7, 2013, from ProQuest database. This article represented the work of Sarah S. Brown and what she has done with the campaign for preventing teen Pregnancy the article was well done and depicted lots of information about Sarah work. Sarah represents the director of National Campaign for Teenage Pregnancy. The article gives an explanation of why teenagers should refrain from having sex, and it’s the best way of preventing pregnancy between teenagers. This article shows that it was peered reviewed. Malcolm, D Targeting teenage single mothers. The Lancet, Vol. 342, No. 8877 (October 16, 1993), p. 978. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from the ProQuest Database. The article was very interesting, and described that there was 45,000 single teenaged mothers in the United Kingdom in 1993, which is a growing concern for teenagers around the world and not just the United Kingdom. In th e United States the article stated that President Clinton will face challenges pertaining to women’s Health. The article also presented lots of information pertaining to the United States and the United Kingdom. This article was also peered reviewed.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children Education Essay

Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children Education Essay The proportion of children living in poverty grew from 1 in 10 in 1979 to 1 in 3 in 1998. 30% of children live in poverty in the UK The UK has one of the worse rates of child poverty in the industrialized world Source: June 2007 The majority of sleep experts advise parents to abruptly withdraw their attention at bedtime-with no mention of teaching a child self-soothing skills. But many parents are looking for help after having shared their bed or assisted their child to fall asleep for months or even years. When children are abruptly expected to fall asleep without any assistance it sets the scene for the all too familiar nightly bedtime battle. If parents consistently ignore their childrens anguished pleas for attention, after weeks of tears and tantrums, children will eventually begin to fall asleep on their own. But in the same amount of time, parents could have avoided the battles-by teaching their children to relax themselves to sleep while gradually and systematically decreasing their attention. Routine helps establish many aspects of healthy living good ways of life and good behaviour. Even the smallest structure is necessary in day-to-day life. Children want and even need routine and there are lots of ways to get them going byestablishing a schedule that works for al the family. There are so many positive side effects for starting to use strong routines for children. Children do not have a lot of control in their lives and it gives them a sense of organization, steadiness and comfort. This helps develop healthier behaviour and a sense of personal control. Doing things like bathing and brushing teeth as part of morning or nighttime routines can help establish good personal hygiene and health habits. Having built in chore time somewhere in the week or day, having them help pick up at the end of dinner or tidy up the house at the end of a day of playing establishes responsibility and work ethic. Mealtime When it is time to eat it is a perfect time to start good habits. Eating habits, particularly. Always eat breakfast, Lunch and tea, but at set times and with structure for children so there are no surprises and the length between eating isnt so great that hunger takes over the family. That can lead to irritability or impulse snacking and dinner wrecking. Set standards for when snacking can take place and what kinds of foods are eaten. Dont indulge or give in for food whenever a child wants something. The results should always be equal good eating and good eating habits. Mealtimes are a good time to instil family into the children. Always try to find some time to sit down together, preferably at a table, to talk and eat. Also, have children help get dinner started, set the table and clean up afterward to plant a bit of responsibility. A1 My role as an Early Years Practitioner would be to assist with the promotion of health and well-being of children and help maintain a healthy environment for children. I may be responsible for organising a room and making sure that policies and procedures are being followed and recorded. I would have to cater for their needs as young children; developmentally, physically and socially. This would be ensure that I am promoting and maintaining a healthy environment for all children. It is also important that you learn by experiencing and learning from the experiences of others. In my role I would have to plan and provide a caring and stimulating environment that is appropriate for individual children and enables children to reach their full potential and to work within the Children Act and local guidelines, legislation and standards and ensure that Child Protection policies and procedures are adhered to at all times. I would have to plan and prepare exciting play opportunities that meet the childrens developmental needs and stimulates their learning. I would also participate in supervision and staff development processes in support of promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and environment and to undertake training as appropriate to meet any changes in standards or appropriate legal requirements as required. In reviewing and reflection of any issues is an important aspect of a practitioner and to review where, why, how, when, etc. The reflective cycle as developed by Gibbs allows you to think about what you have done, how well it went, get feedback from others and consider alternatives. The reflective cycle is broken down into 6 units 1. Description -what happened 2. Feelings 3. Evaluation Analysis conclusion and finally Action plan what will you do next time. The practitioner should also evaluate their own learning and performance. This can be done through Professional development and discussions with the line manager and other practitioners. For example: Share examples of your practice discuss Get ideas of other practices Visit other practices and observe, discuss. Make sure you keep up to date with current practices Articles in magazines, books, training, etc In house or external training Additional qualifications, etc Observe children / observe other practitioners Planning Childs next steps Try new things Trial and error is also an important reflection and to review how things happen. But in all cases, the safety of children is paramount. Experience is the most important issue and to understand that as an new trainee or new nursery nurse, you dont know everything. That you learn by experiencing and learning from the experiences of others. I would also have to keep in touch with new initiatives that are promoted and keep on top of new legislation.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Writing from the Center: The New York Times and the Florida Election Dispute :: Essays Papers

Writing from the Center: The New York Times and the Florida Election Dispute The result of the 2000 Presidential election was one of the most closely contested elections in our nation’s history. Soon after the polls closed, it became apparent that the final tally between the Democratic candidate Al Gore and the Republican candidate George W. Bush would be extremely close. Network news programs broadcast on election night well into the next morning as one candidate, then the other, seemed to gain the advantage. As the election results became more distinct, however, attention turned to Florida, where less than one thousand votes separated the candidates, with Bush enjoying a tenuous lead. Over the next few weeks the Florida election dispute went through several Byzantine twists and turns, with the Gore team pushing for—and in some cases getting—recounts of Gore‑friendly counties, and the Bush forces feverishly working to declare the whole matter settled and Bush the new President of the United States. Finally, in early December, the matter went to the United States Supreme Court. The Court decided in Bush v. Gore that there were insufficient grounds for continuing the recount process and in effect declared Bush the next President. The mainstream media—including The New York Times—were fixated with the entire electoral drama, with the story usually given the lead slot on the evening news or the front page of the newspaper. Yet after the Court handed down its decision, this coverage virtually ceased except for a cursory analysis of the Court’s decision. There was little attempt to question the basis of the Court’s ruling, or whether Gore would have had sufficient votes to achieve victory had a recount been allowed to proceed. Why? The answer, it seems, lies in the â€Å"centrist† bias of The New York Times. Jeff Cohen, the executive director of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting has argued that mainstream media outlets such as The New York Times emphasize â€Å"syst em supporting news† that focuses on how well â€Å"the system works† in resolving difficult situations, rather than questioning the wisdom of the system itself.1 By comparing how the Times portrayed the aftermath of the Court decision with the coverage given by media outlets on the left (The Nation, Extra!) and outlets on the right (The National Review) we will be able to see the â€Å"centrist† bias of the Times and its editorial mandate to preserve the authority and status of â€Å"the system.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Consolidation of Learning

I have come to understand that in order for a student to develop professional nursing skills, he or she needs to have the ability to apply knowledge from theory into practice. This I believe is a fundamental key to the success of becoming a competent nurse. My practice and the invaluable experiences I have gained from my placement, as a nursing student, have enabled me to reflect on the dimensions of nursing practice. I can testify that clinical practice is really an essential component of learning process for any nursing student. My Clinical practice has allowed me to have direct experience with the real world of nursing, to practice the clinical skills required for the job and to learn about the responsibility of the nurse. Reflecting back at my previous semesters, I can begin to say that my acute clinical experience has served as a wonderful and memorable learning opportunity for me to practise some of the skills that I have learned. I had a lot of mixed feelings going into this clinical because I did not know if I was going to make a difference. And little did I know how much this experience would impact me. As I reflect on this experience, I realised that I finished my clinical not only with more experience than when I started, but with a different aspect of nursing all together. In this paper, I will discuss an in-depth factual experience on my role in caring for a hypertensive patient. I will critically analyze my actions, feelings and strategies that I used to deal with the situation. I will also present how I was able to connect the knowledge that I had gained from my nursing classes and clinical laboratory. Over the course of my clinical placement, I was assigned to different patients with different illness. Caring for these patients has deepened my understanding of the need to develop my intellectual capacity for good clinical judgement and safe decision making. While caring for these patients, I encountered situations that were both positive and negative. Regardless of the outcome of these situations, I believe I have learned one or two things from them. There was a particular event that really stood out for me among the patients that I cared for. The reason why this event stood out is because of the impact it had on my learning. This event helped me to start pulling information from all the resources available to me right on the spot. THE SIGNIFICANT NURSING EVENT I was on an evening rotation on this fateful day. I had done my patient research and ready to carry out my care plan for my patient. Unfortunately, I was not able to implement this care plan because my patient assignment was changed due to staffing issue. An undergraduate nurse was the primary nurse of the same patient that I was assigned to. Due to the policy that I have to be monitored by a registered nurse, my patient assignment was changed. I was then assigned to an eighty two year old woman diagnosed with acute renal failure with history of hypertension. I had very little time to quickly research my patient diagnosis; my primary nurse just gave me brief information on her status. I had to quickly go in to do my initial assessment and take her vital signs. As I approached her room, I was prepared for all reactions, but my patient responded with soaking kindness. I introduced myself, asked her how her day was going and informed her of the care that I will be providing for her. Then I began to perform a head to toe assessment and I explained the rationale of each test and action. My patient would always smile and respond with â€Å"I know that you are a student just do what you gotta do†. Then I began to check her vital signs and realised that her blood pressure was way over the normal range120/80. I was startled, so I decided to check the blood pressure on the opposite arm, just to reaffirm the data obtained previously. This time around I knew I had obtained the same data, which were 180/ 98. I auscultated her lungs fields bilaterally and there was an adventitious sound. I palpated her peripheral pulses for their strength and equality and auscultated her apical pulse rate to check for the rhythm and the quality of heart sound and I could hear an abnormal sound of blood rushing. In this paragraph, I will discuss on my feelings and thinking that took place in the event. Based on my knowledge about the implications of high blood pressure and knowing that she is hypertensive and over eighty years old, that would increase her risk of having stroke or heart attack. I was fearful of handling this patient being my first time of experiencing this situation. Reflecting in action, I began to have a therapeutic conversation with my patient. Understanding my own values and beliefs I composed myself and tried not to sound scared, while I was asking questions regarding how she was feeling. I used all my senses of perception to assess her and asked if she was having chest pain or feeling light headed. My patient complained of being fatigue, a little bit dizzy, and that she was finding it hard to breathe, and then I knew something was certainly wrong. This can be supported by (Quote) At the same time I did not want her to panic or aggravate the situation. I knelt down and checked if there was any urine in her Foley catheter bag, but there was nothing. I asked her when was the last time that her bag was drained and she replied that she was not sure if it was early in the morning or at midnight. Then I noticed that she had edema in her lower extremities, I inspected her legs and palpated the areas of edema, noting the tenderness and pitting. I went on to ask her if she had been going for a walk around the unit and if she knew her blood pressure baseline, and she responded that it’s been very high lately, but for me I was not really satisfied with the data. Certainly my patient was having fluid retention, and other symptoms which might be as a result of her kidney failure or hypertension. Given the assessment and further investigation this was a possible indication of stroke or heart attack. While reflecting in action, I told myself that I needed to act fast as soon as possible because I could not tell what the outcome will look like. According to the Canadian Nursing Association (CNA, 2008) state that nurses should provide safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care. Instantly I knew I had to quickly determine my goal of care for my patient because I was certain that something was wrong. I came up with three goals, firstly I have to make sure that her blood pressure get lowered and controlled. Secondly, make sure that she was having adequate urine output and lastly, encourage her to go for a walk in order to increase her blood flow. In order to achieve these goals I had to find a way to get hold of my primary nurse or instructor, to inform them on what was happening to the patient. Carper, (1978), notes that it is of paramount importance to understand the clinical situation, act timely and appropriately for the good of the patient. This was an opportunity to take what I had learned from my courses and in lab and apply to real situations. I was not really prepared but I was very excited to use my skills and knowledge that I had gained so far from the nursing courses and laboratory. At the same time, I always had it at the back of my mind to always make sure I stay within my scope of practice and also critically think about the care I want to provide to the patient. I excused myself and told my patient that I needed to see my primary nurse. I quickly logged in to the SCM to check her flow sheet and realised that her previous data was 139/85. I checked to see if there was any order or medications if her blood pressure gets beyond certain parameter. I found that an order was made and that if her blood pressure get above 180/100, hydrazaline should be given every four hours and patient should be monitored continuously. I researched the drug class, it usage, side effect and contraindication of hydrazaline, so that I know what I am giving my patient and what I need to watch out for after administration. My findings deepened the knowledge about implications of high blood pressure and what I thought and knew. In response to my findings, I knew for sure that she was having the signs and symptoms of stroke or heart attack. I was really eager to pass on this new information to my primary nurse and instructor. I really felt that I had paid full attention to my patient while performing my head to toe assessment. Tanner (2006) stated â€Å"that clinical judgement is more influenced by what the nurse brings to the situation than the objective data about the situation at hand† (p. 204). I hurried quickly and informed my primary nurse on what was happening, and she came with me to get the medications. As we approached the room the nurse took the patient vitals again, I believe that she needed to confirm the data herself. My nurse got the same data and asked me to administer the medication to the patient. My primary nurse then asked me what my goal of care was for the patient and I responded with what I had planned earlier. I began to evaluate if my intervention was achieved by monitoring my patient’s blood pressure and ensuring that her other vital signs were all in the normal range. About fifteen minutes later, I asked my patient if she was still having the signs and symptoms that she mentioned to me earlier, and she replied that she was feeling much better. Brunners & suddant stressed that educating the patient on self care is a therapeutic regimen that is the responsibility of the patient in collaboration with the nurse. I began to educate my patient on the importance of lifestyle changes and medications to control the blood pressure. I emphasized on the concept of controlling her blood pressure, rather than curing it. I encourage her to develop a plan for weight loss, limit food high in salt and fats and increase intake of fruits and vegetables. It was all a new experience getting to see the symptoms and effects in first hand. Everything makes so much more sense when you get to connect the dots yourself. Although I did not have enough time to research on my patient diagnosis, this experience really impacted my learning because I realised that in the real nursing world, nurses do not have any knowledge about the patient that they will care for. This has really made me reflect on my actions and my future practise. It also made me to really value the learning from the class, clinical labs and evidenced based research. Above all, knowing my patient was very integral to my practice and this event raised some questions for me.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Industrial Economic Research Paper

Qustion1 Identify and explain the market structure in which the company is operating Pos Malaysia Market structure * Monopoly firm Introduction (Pos Malaysia) Pos Malaysia Berhad is Malaysia’s premier physical communications provider. Pos Malaysia also has a widespread network of 701 post offices all over the country, in addition to its network of mini post offices, mobile post offices, postal agents and stamp agents, making it one of the most extensive retail networks in Malaysia.Pos Malaysia’s Strategic Business Units that aim to provide quality, reliable, timely and innovative solutions to its customers, are made up of PosMel (mail and postal services), PosLaju (courier and express mail services), and PosNiaga (retail business services). Pos Malaysia also acts as a counter collection and payment agency for a range of financial transactions, such as bill payments, remittance, insurance and unit trusts. Pos Malaysia consists of 3 Main Core Business Units: Pos Mel ,Pos Laju and Pos Niaga. Poslaju or EMS service caters to all segments of the business community and the general public.There are 37 Poslaju Centres nationwide offer all types of courier services. Besides Mail and Express servicer. Poslaju or EMS service caters to all segments of the business community and the general public. Type of courier services Inbound Logistics * Customs Clearance, Import permit documentation, Transportation, Warehousing, Distribution channel/break bulk, Proof of delivery, Track and trace. Outbound Logistics * Customs clearance ,Export documentation ,Transportations ,Warehousing ,Distribution channel/break bulk ,Proof of delivery ,Track and trace Monopoly market structure (Pos Malaysia)Government protection Pos Malaysia Berhad is a Malaysian postal service company that was privatized in 1992 from a government department into a business corporation. Government also protects and helps pos Malaysia if that firm has shortage cost and losses. was attributed to the pos Malaysia is the first company established to provide these services and the company has long operated, known by society and high cost in the provision of post Malaysia. Society loyalty The society in Malaysia has known about brand of pos Malaysia and the society also has familiar to uses pos Malaysia as services of mail.The public will be more confident in such a service as Pos Malaysia is an agency under the ministry and the government is indirectly involved in ensuring the security of the items kept here. Maximize profit A monopoly market exists when there is huge number of buyers but small or very limited number of sellers in the market. Monopoly is the only supplier of a product for which there is no close substitute. In monopoly market, the firm has get a maximize profit, if the manager has have good skill and knowledge to manages that company.For example, pos Malaysia have a good manages, and that means this company can get a height profit. In monopoly market, pos Malaysia can set its own price and the prices chosen affects the quantity it sells. Pos Malaysia is the only licensed mail services provider in Malaysia and is the leader in the Malaysia Courier Services. Pos Malaysia posted a net profit of RM 61 million for the nine months ended September 2004 – an increase of more than 40 per cent from the corresponding period in the previous year.It is projected to earn a net profit of close to RM100 million this year based on existing postal rates. Power of set prices In monopoly market, pos Malaysia can put the price of the service with a high rate to the profit of the community to obtain greater. This can be carried out in the market as pos Malaysia is the only domestic postal mail offered in Malaysia Advantages in monopoly Stability of prices * In a monopoly market the prices are most of the times stable. This happens because there is only one firm involved in the market that sets the prices if and when it feels like.In other types of market struc tures prices are not stable and tend to be elastic as a result of the competition that exists but this isn’t the case in a monopoly market as there is little or no competition at all. Source of revenue for the government * The government gets revenue in form of taxation from monopoly firms. Massive profits * Due to the absence of competitors which leads to high number of sales monopoly firms tend to receive super profits from their operations.The massive profits realized may be used in such things as launching other products, carrying out research and development among many other things that may be beneficial to the firm. Question 2 Comment if there are barriers to entry Definition Barriers to entry are designed to block potential entrants from entering a market profitably. They seek to protect the monopoly power of existing (incumbent) firms in an industry and therefore maintain supernormal (monopoly) profits in the long run.Barriers to entry have the effect of making a mark et less contestable. Defined an entry barrier as â€Å"A cost of producing (at some or every rate of output) which must be borne by a firm which seeks to enter an industry but is not borne by firms already in the industry. Barriers to entry in( pos Malaysia). In pos Malaysia, there are barriers to entry. Among them are: Advertising and marketing * Developing consumer loyalty by establishing branded products can make successful entry into the market by new firms much more expensive. Cost Advantages Lower Costs; through experience of Being in the market for missing time, allows the existing postal company Malaysia’s to cut price and win price wars if another firm enter the market. Absolute cost advantages * Allows an incumbent firm to earn excess profits without feat of new firm entering the market. for example in the market, pos Malaysia price of the service is able to offer a cheaper service player medals RM7 per unit, but other companies likes DHL and FedEx only able to off er prices as low as RM 12 mail service. so its pos Malaysia cans set PRICES at rm10.Which is are more chipper, than the more customer use pos Malaysia services and also get a highest profit. Government Restrictions * Government is the source of barriers to entry that are created by patents and copyrights. But these are not the only barriers to entry enabled by government. Government is, after all, the entity that establishes the rules of the game. Governments frequently erect barriers to entry by legally limiting the number of participants in a market. Legal restrictions for public utilities are usually designed to make the most effective use of natural monopoly markets that can create serious inefficiency problems.Other legal restrictions, such as licenses or charters, are generally intended to pursue other goals, but create barriers to entry nonetheless. For example, pos mel only provided by pos Malaysia. Although there are big rivals like FedEx and DHL outside, but pos Malaysia o ffer cheaper prices. First mover advantages * The first firm to enter incurs lower marketing costs because it faces no rivals. Later firm face higher marketing costs because they must compete against the first firm. If the presence of the incumbent raises the marketing costs of the second firm to enter, then the first firm has permanent advantages and can maintain high prices

Chapter 5 Case Study 1 Essay

1. What do you think some possible drawbacks from recruiting from social network site might be? Some possible drawbacks from recruiting from social network site may be that it opens up the possibility for hackers to commit fraud and launch spam and virus attacks. It also can increases the risk of people falling prey to online scams that seem genuine, resulting in data or identity theft. 2. What other sources of applicants might work just as well or better than social networking sites? Other sources of applicants that can work just as well or better than social networking sites if being done internally is transfers, promotions, and re-employment of ex-employees. If the process is being held externally then it can be advertisement, can go through employment agencies, educational institutions, recommendations, and many more. 3. Do you think social networking sites could be used to hire talent aboard? Why or Why not? Social networking sites could be used to hire talent aboard because it expands the company globally and helps them to communicate effectively. Hiring abroad, you are facilitating their desire to be self-sufficient, helping them achieve their dreams, and contributing to the stability of immigrant neighborhoods and the most important point they are qualified and productive workers. Chapter 5 Case Study 1 1. What are some of the possible reasons Scott did not seek or receive advice from her immediate supervisor? Scott did not seek or receive advice from her immediate supervisor because she felt as if she was under qualified and that there were other employees with more skills and knowledge about the duty at hands. 2. After reviewing the chapter, suggest all possible ways that Scott can prepare herself for career advancement.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Code of Ethics - Essay Example No one person can run this organization; therefore, it is imperative that we hire associates who are friendly, knowledgeable, and understand exactly what their respective roles in the company are. We hold our associates to the highest ethical standards. We expect our employees to behave in such a way, on campus and off, that no shame or degradation will be cast upon Whitehouse Cherry. Business ethics, to us, is defined as behavior that would directly result in the loss of customers, or invite lawsuits. For example, good business ethics dictate that all Whitehouse Cherry associates keep all customer information confidential. This information includes their names, and all identifying information like addresses, social security numbers, and phone numbers. Our customers are assured that their information will neither appear on a listserv, nor will it be sold to solicitation companies or surveyors. As well, credit card information should only be entered into our database at the time customers are making purchases, whether in person, or via Web. Associates may not write down credit card numbers, expiration dates, or security code information wholly, or in part. If an associate experiences any difficulty entering credit card information into the database, please see a senior associate to complete the transaction. This rule applies to all forms of payment received by Whi tehouse Cherry, including checks and Pay Pal accounts. Failure to adhere to any part of this rule will result in immediate dismissal of the associate, as per our agreement, written or implied, with the customer. Whitehouse Cherry associates must never discuss customers, except with pertinent personnel, and for business and problem resolution reasons only. Even then, non-pertinent personnel, and customers, must not be within hearing range of the associates in discussion. Associates who overhear non-pertinent conversations must a) keep the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research Methodologies Applied To Evaluate The Impact Of Stimulant Assignment

Research Methodologies Applied To Evaluate The Impact Of Stimulant Energy Drink - Assignment Example Methodology Collection Of Data The first thing for any study is the process of data collection and the method of sampling. Data is collected on the basis of sampling which can be randomized, or purposive with respect to the variable that has to be analyzed. Randomized data means each individual will have equal probability to be included in the sample. Purposive data is considered by some criteria fixed by the experimenter (effects of a drug on diabetic patients).Sampling makes sure that the results are based on non biased assumptions and simply random sampling reduces the chance of bias. So in this study we will fix inclusion criteria with a purposive sampling- that means people who use computers whether desktops and laptops will be included and the others in the population will not be included- thus our purposive sampling will narrow it to population of computer users. The exclusion criteria would be non computer users and having vision problems other than technology related. Data will be collected through a set of questionnaire method:- a. Energy severity score: Rate your self energy on a scale of 1 to 10( more energy feeling more score) b. Rate your sleep scale from 1-1 0 ( more score more awake) We would see then whether our distribution obtained is symmetrical or asymmetrical and conform to normal distribution and whether undue weightage has been given to extreme values during data collection. Collected data can have a symmetrical representation and in that case mean, median and mode will be the same for a particular variable and when these value changes it is called asymmetrical and this measure is called skewness, On the other hand there can be incidences such the data is collected more on the upper and lower sides of a variable(tails) it will be called leptokurtic data and if the middle values of a variable are collected it is called platykurtic data. In the former the distribution looks pointed and in later it has a plateau shaped. Ideally if a data is ideally collected then the curve should look mesokurtic with frequency of the scores evenly distributed at upper and lower and middle limits. This is called a normal distribution. The normal distribution has a unit area of one and this is helpful to measure testing of hypothesis.(Chance,2005). Thus the need for data representation becomes important Analysis of Data Testing of Hypothesis: We will take the mean scores of sleepiness and energy in both the groups and go for a testing of hypothesis Data can be analyzed for statistical significance based on the normal distribution. This means if the computed probability value or p value as measured from t test or Anova is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Ethics and corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and corrections - Essay Example For example if a correctional officer have to use force to subdue a inmate, does he use excessive force or the least amount necessary, as it will be difficult for a outsider to determine if the officer have acted ethically, but the officer himself will know if he have acted in good faith or abusive. Correctional professionals are also required to keep the inmates' personal information and reasons for incarceration confidential even though this may pose a danger to other inmates. So the dilemma in corrections can be seen as decisions and actions that needs to be taken in order to facilitate due process of rehabilitation, and in certain circumstances doing good will result in bad consequences, in others implementing negative or bad will have positive results. This correctional professionals have to make ethical decisions each day, facing dilemmas that goes against there morals, believes or value system. This may impede on their ability to make certain decisions or implement certain actions that could have resulted in a positive outcome or prevented a negative outcome. To be able to propose an ethical approach that can be used by correctional professionals we first need to evaluate the current system in use. In the world today many ethical systems are used in several unrelated fields such as business, environment, animal rights, medical, technological and criminal. In the criminal justice system Normative Ethics is the fundamental system used for making decisions. The idea behind Normative Ethics is that persons should act morally and take reasoning into account when making decisions or implementing actions. "Essentially, ethics, in prescribing certain standards of conduct, gives us a way of making choices in situations where we are unsure about how to act," (Cindy Banks, 2002, p7). Within the Normative Ethics system the Utilitarian Principals seems to apply most fittingly to correctional personal. Within the utilitarian concept the Rule Utilitarianism aligns with their responsibility and functions, and the Harm Principal to their behaviour. "Rule Utilitarianism: An act is right if and only if it is required by a rule that is itself a member of a set of rules, the acceptance of which would lead to greater good for society than any available alternative. Harm Principle: Society is justified in coercing the behavior of an individual in order to prevent her or him from injuring others; it is not justified in coercing her or him simply because the behavior is deemed immoral or harmful to herself or himself." (John Cleese, 2005). Even with this ethical system it is not always clear what action is the correct one, as when a person is facing a dilemma where an unmoral action will result in a positive outcome. People's value system they developed normally guides their ethical behaviour. Some of these values are; respect, responsibility, trust, truth, courage, faith, dependence, interdependence, etc. So how will a correctional professional be able to make sure his or her behaviour is ethical, even when facing a difficult dilemma Ethical Approach for Correctional Professionals Every person have to make ethical decisions from day to day, just deciding to help or not to help a old lady over the street is a ethical decision. A person can also decide not to make a decision

Saturday, October 5, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

International business - Essay Example Partly, this may be because not all those who use the term distinguish it clearly enough from the popular notion of internationalization. Some writers, in fact, use the two terms interchangeably (Ibid.). Literature shows there is no single agreed definition of globalisation, but that it may be the concept of the 1990s. According to Sklair’s (1999) research, its importance is much exaggerated, but most books suggest it is an idea whose time has come. To sort out all these ideas, globalisation as a concept makes use of Sklair’s (1999) taxonomy of perceiving globalisation in this paper towards the end. Each model is briefly discussed and analyzed from the point of view of sociology. The discussion tapers with a summary of these models, and as presented by Sklair (1999) makes note that they are dominated by European European-North American literature devoid of views from Asia. However, these are only done after discussions in light of how globalisation as a phenomenon has prevailed in the new millennium. What follows are how globalisation has visited the new millennium politically, economically, socially or otherwise. Globalisation, interpreted as global economic integration, is argued, as not being recent since there have been periods of globalisation over many centuries. (IPS, n.d.) It is only that there is now the increasing speed of movement of goods and services, people, capital and technology being experienced around the world. Specifically globalisation in the new millennium is marked by accelerated reduction in transport and communication costs, greater international specialization because of liberalization of trade, increasing trade in services due to the digital revolution, and increasing integration of major emerging markets into the world economy. (IPS, n.d.) . Politically, Macedo (n.d.) would add, the increasing alignment of cultural standards and standards of consumption; the weakening of

Friday, October 4, 2019

Environmental Projects NYC Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Projects NYC - Term Paper Example The three sub basins identified cuts across in excess of 35countries. The environmental context of this basin is of great concern since its water quality has been comprised from time to time. Numerous geological surveys have been conducted all over New York to address environmental issues, and the water quality of this basin is one of the identified environmental issues in New York. This paper is meant to assess the problem of water quality in the basin basing its argument on the applicability of geosciences in understanding and addressing the problem. This problem is brought about by the environmental setting of the basin. The basin occurs in an environment setting that allows massive land use in all the areas that the basin lies on. Application of Geosciences in Understanding and Addressing the Water Quality Issue in the Hudson River Basin Sediments in the stream bottom Geological studies have been conducted in the basin for quite some time now. It has been established that the urb an streams of the basin as well as on other rivers of the basin have considerable levels of stream sediments. These sediments are mostly found on the bottom of the stream. The presence of these sediments has comprised the water quality in the basin due to the fact they raise metal concentration in the water. The metals have also led to the concentration of chemicals resulting from water-metal reactions, for example the polychlorinated biphenyls (Levinton & Waldman 39). The water quality in the basin has as a result deteriorated, evidenced by the fact that the above mentioned concentrations have exceeded the predetermined and set standards of water quality. In addressing this problem, the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) has put measures in place that are aimed at reducing concentration levels in the basin. Part of the basin that lies within urban areas is said to carry large amounts of zinc, lead and mercury. In fact, these levels of concentration exceed those set by the Ne w York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). In this regard, the two agencies have initiated programs that are designed to sensitize the locals about the need to reduce metal concentrations in the water. Although the drinking water quality is still observed, there are concerns that the basin could turn unsafe for human consumption if stern measures are not taken. On this note, de-concentration actions by environmental agencies have been established to deal with this issue. Geosciences experts and professionals have been engaged in the process in order to fully observe such progresses and correct mishaps that may be realized in the course. Stream ecology The Hudson River Basin is characterized by many social and economic activities. Some parts of the basin remains undisturbed but where encroachment has occurred, many activities are conducted. This due tot the fact that the basic’s hydrological potential; exceeds that many other basins in New York. On the sam e note, the basin is characteristic of numerous rivers and tributaries that make up its interconnectedness. This special feature of the basin has attracted many local into farming activities, alongside harboring many animal species like fish and invertebrates. Intolerant animal species have so far been absent in the river, denoting aspects of unfavorable environment. Human encroachment along the basin can be cited as a reason for this. Studies done on the water quality

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Different types of wastewaters Essay Example for Free

Different types of wastewaters Essay Domestic wastewater Domestic effluents are generated from activities such as bathing, laundry, cleaning, cooking, washing, and other kitchen activities. This contains a large amount of organic waste with suspended solids and coliforms. Calculations made based on available data show that half the organic waste is from the domestic sector (PEM, 2003). As stated in the EMB report, domestic wastewater discharges contribute highest to the BOD load as the lack of sewage treatment system allows more than 90 percent of inadequately treated domestic sewage to be discharged into surface waters, which contain bacteria and viruses that threaten human life. Geographically, data show that one-third (30 percent) of BOD generation comes from Metro Manila and Region IV alone, at 18 and 15 percent, respectively (PEM, 2003). Industrial wastewater Reports show that the volume and characteristics of industrial effluents vary by type of industry and are influenced by different factors such as production processes and the scale of production used. Industries that are found to be water-intensive, i.e. food and dairy manufacturing, pulp, paper and paperboard products, and textile products, correspondingly discharge large amounts of wastewater (PEM, 2003). Most of the water pollution-intensive industries are in National Capital Region, Calabarzon, and Region III. Food manufacturing industries, piggeries, and slaughterhouses are the main sources of organic pollution (PEM, 2004). A report from a study conducted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in 1999 emphasizes that the situation is even more critical with regard to hazardous wastes. In the said report, approximately 2,000 cubic meters of solvent wastes, 22,000 tons of heavy metals, infectious wastes, biological sludge, lubricants, and intractable was tes, as well as 25 million cubic meters of acid/alkaline liquid wastes are improperly disposed of annually in the Metro Manila area alone. A study by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) conducted in 2001 (as cited in National Economic Development Authority’s document on the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan 2004-2010) states that around 700 industrial establishments in the  Philippines generate about 273,000 tons of hazardous wastes per annum. It was further estimated that with 5,000 potential hazardous waste generators, about 2.41 million tons of hazardous wastes will be generated. At present, the report added, there is no integrated treatment facility for hazardous wastes in the country although there are about 95 small to mediumscale treatment facilities that treat hazardous wastes (i.e., used oil, sludge). There is approximately 50,000 tons of hazardous wastes stored on or offsite due to lack of proper treatment, recovery and recycling facilities. Sometimes they end up being recycled in backyard operations further putting at risk workers and communities hosting these informal recycling facilities. Other hazardous wastes are exported to other countries for recovery and disposal (i.e. metal bearing sludge, used solvents and electronic wastes) and treatment (e.g. PCB). Health and environmental problems Much of the surface water in urban areas is a public health risk while rural surface waters are also sources of disease. The World Bank estimates that exposure to water pollution and poor sanitation account for one-sixth of reported disease cases, and nearly 6,000 premature deaths per year. The cost of treatment and lost income from illness and death due to water pollution is pegged at PHP6.7 billion (US$134 million) per year (PEM 2006). Pollution of our water resources such as untreated wastewater discharges affect human health through the spread of disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Some known examples of diseases that may be spread through wastewater discharge are gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, and, recently, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (PEM 2003). The state of water in the Philippines (Bacongui, Beau, 2007, October). Retrieved January 9, 2013, from ter-in-the-phil.pdf Hazardous and toxic waste management Republic Act 6969, implemented by DAO 29 series of 1992, regulates the range of activities associated with hazardous and toxic materials (use, transportation, storage, export, distribution, manufacture, and processing). Users or handlers of chemicals must first check with DENR whether the substances are included in the Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS). A Chemical Control Order (CCO) prohibiting, limiting, or subjecting use to certain controls or conditions may be issued for chemicals that pose an unreasonable risk to public health or the environment. Environmental Impact Management System An on-going innovation under the EIS system is the introduction of programmatic compliance. Under this program, industries sited in declared industrial development areas may be issued a single Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC). This approach has the advantage of reducing the cost of document preparation and review. Furthermore, it justifies the future application of carrying capacity assessments to determine the number and types of industries that should be allowed to locate in a given area. Philippines: Country Profile. In Green Productivity Practices: In Select Industry Sectors. (Abanto, Arnel. 2001) Retrieved January 9, 2013, from Water pollution creeping in – senator MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines faces a creeping water pollution problem because of rapid urbanization and industrialization, a senator warned over the weekend. Senator Pilar Juliana â€Å"Pia† S. Cayetano, chairperson of the Senate Health and Demography Committee, said she is worried that government has weakly-implemented programs to improve the quality of fresh water supply. Cayetano pointed out that inadequate resources, institutional fragmentation and poor statistics as the major stumbling blocks in achieving the goal of securing a sufficient future supply of clean fresh water. She said addressing this concern is in line with the Millennium Development Goal 7 for environment sustainability which is to reduce by one half, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri, Senate Committee on Environment and Natural Resources chairman, said the issue emphasizes the importance of refo resting the country’s denuded mountains. Forests, Zubiri said, act as watersheds, storing and releasing fresh water through natural processes. In past Senate Committee hearings, testimonies on the country’s forest reserve being  denuded at a fast clip the past few decades had been presented. Citing the Philippine Environment Monitor report of the World Bank in 2003, domestic wastewater represents 48 percent of the total pollution in the entire country; the rest is due to industrial and agricultural sources. In Metro Manila alone, the share of domestic sewage is 58 percent of the total. Because of insufficient sewage treatment and disposal, more than 90 percent of the sewage generated in the Philippines is not disposed or treated in an environmentally acceptable manner, Cayetano said. The same report estimates that water pollution costs the Philippine economy an estimated P67 billion ($.3 billion) annually of which P3 billion is attributed to health, P17 billion to fisheries production and P47 billion to tourism. Cayetano pointed out that Department of Health (DoH) statistics show that approximately 18 people die each day from water-borne diseases, which accounted for 31 percent of all reported illnesses from 1996-2000. She said the Congressional Oversight Committee was created following the enactment of the Clean Water Act in 2004 and found out weaknesses in the enforcement of environmentally-related laws. â€Å"There are too many hands dipping in the broth, so to speak. Around 30 government agencies are involved in the management of our water resources. The gaps, overlaps and conflicts of responsibilities are apparent during the conduct of our (committee) hearings, making the institutional framework highly fragmented, weak and complicated,’’ she said. Water pollution creeping in – senator (Casayuran, Mario. 2011, April) Retrieved January 9, 2013 from ‘Water pollution a threat’ Gov’t not enforcing environment laws SWS survey  MANILA, Philippines . Five of every 10 Filipinos believe water pollution is a serious threat to their health and environment, but the government is unable to enforce environmental laws. Results of a survey of the Social Weather Stations released Friday also showed that at least three of every six residents of Metro Manila did not agree that pollution was an acceptable trade-off for economic progress. The SWS survey, a first on water pollution and enforcement of environmental laws, was commissioned by  the environmental group Greenpeace as part of its Project: Clean Water program launched in September. The initiative aims to mobilize action in protecting the country’s vast fresh water sources. A recent World Bank study warned of a possible water scarcity problem in the country by 2025. The survey from Nov. 30 to Dec. 3 covered 1,200 randomly chosen adult respondents divided into samples of 300 each in Metro Manila, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. We wanted to see how Filipinos perceive the problem because it is very hard to push for the implementation of environmental laws if the public accepts water pollution as an unavoidable consequence of economic development, said Beau Baconguis, Greenpeace Southeast Asia campaigner in a press conference Friday. Half of the respondents said water pollution in the country was a very serious problem and posed great danger to their health and environment; 22 percent found it somewhat serious; nine percent, a little serious; and 19 percent, hardly serious. While growing concern for water pollution was noted among residents in urban areas, with 58 percent finding it unacceptable that economic progress should mean environmental destruction, some 48 percent said they were not aware of any laws enacted to help prevent pollution. Among the environmental policies cited in the survey were the Clean Water Act and the Solid Waste Management Act. Out of the 1,200 respondents, 26 percent said they were familiar with the Clean Water Act; 27 percent were aware of the Solid Waste Management Act while 50 percent admitted not knowing about the laws. ‘Water pollution a threat’ (Uy, Jocelyn, 2008, January) Retrieved January 9, 2013 from Dirty Water: Estimated Deaths from Water-Related Diseases 2000-2020 (Gleick, Peter, 2002, August) Retrieved from